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Sparked creativity - with the F:X Pro filter holder Mark III

Entfachte Kreativität – mit dem F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

For the launch of our F:X Pro filter holder Mark III, we were looking for partners who would Filter holder in practice can be put to the test. Landscape and nature photographer Marvin Schmidt, who is known for his meticulous and precise way of working, had the opportunity to try out a practical test. Good preparation on his part, the creativity he brought with him, a deep understanding of image composition and several years Experience with our F:X Pro series and other products make him the perfect tester.

The benefits of optical filters in photography

Optical filters have always played an important role in photography. Not only can you use them certain effects are generated, but they also help Exposure times to extend and open different lighting situations to be able to react flexibly and quickly. On this occasion, Marvin Schmidt tested under real conditions how an innovative rectangular filter holder in conjunction with the appropriate photo filters becomes a versatile and reliable tool with which you can also use your creative visions implement with ease.

F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

A summery snapshot with the F:X Pro filter holder Mark III

The Aim of the practical test The aim was to create a summer beach atmosphere in the local area at the Uerdinger Rhine Bridge in Krefeld. The challenge for the photographer: the Krefeld chemical park and the city center. With the correct equipment, precise preparation and one creative image composition He wanted to create an aesthetically pleasing shot without the city center and chemical park becoming the focus of the shot. What was particularly challenging for him with this shot was the fact that there aren't many places in the area that offer fine sand as a foreground. For the most part, only meadow areas or rocks can be found at the location, which from the photographer's point of view would not have created a summery atmosphere at this location. At first glance, the options Marvin Schmidt had in this case were correspondingly small.

Preparing for the shoot: composition and image design

For Marvin Schmidt it is important to have a fairly precise idea of ​​the image and what it will be like before the shoot F:X Pro Master Kit Rectangular Filter Mark III to be able to draw on the full potential. In order to be able to time exactly the right moment at the Rhine bridge, he used well-known apps that showed him exactly the position of the sun at a certain point in time. The sun, captured as a sun star, should be located directly under the bridge as an eye-catcher. This meant there were only a few minutes left to record.

Once at the location, Schmidt recommends not setting up the tripod and attaching the camera straight away. At first he always picks up the camera and tries out a variety of perspectives. “Near the ground, at eye level or a good middle ground in between, without a tripod you are much more flexible when testing out perspectives,” says the photographer. Once the potential prospect was found, this could be done Tripod set up and the composition then in detail planned become.

For this recording, Marvin Schmidt “tricked” and refined the composition by hand. The trunk placed at the bottom left was not originally in that location, but fulfilled several tasks in its composition. Primarily, the trunk from the lower left edge of the picture served as a leading line into the picture and as a direct one Expansion of the sun's ray.

"Here the viewer of the picture is exposed to this for the first time main motif", the sun shining through the bridge," the photographer explained the idea behind his composition. Another function of this trunk was that it functioned as a "blocker." This means that if the viewer's gaze wanders, the gaze will always come back should be directed back to the main motif. In addition, the edge of the bank served as another leading line, which in combination with the bridge also drew attention back to the main motif.

F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

To be on the safe side when it comes to his composition, the photographer made sure that the sun was in the right position perspective was. The sun's brightest mirror point was almost exactly on that Crossing point of the rule of thirds. In addition, the composition was divided roughly according to the rule of thirds in a ratio of 1:3 (2/3 background, 1/3 foreground). This contributes to one's subconscious harmonious perceived Image composition at.

F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

The photo equipment in practical use

When the photographer was satisfied with his composition, he began preparing it Equipments. From his point of view, this was a tripod absolutely necessary since he is with long shutter speeds of 6 seconds wanted to work. Only with a camera tripod could he ensure that these shots would be successful and not blurry.

F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

For his shoot at the Uerdinger Rhine Bridge, he sat next to the F:X Pro filter holder Mark III on the following equipment:

He deliberately chose a combination for the motif Polar and ND filters set. The Pole filter Marvin Schmidt usually always uses it as soon as he Water photographed. He explains this by saying that the filter, on the one hand, depends on its positioning reflections can filter from a variety of surfaces (such as water, stones, and much more). This often results in more than just one interesting image effect, as Schmidt thinks, but that Colors, both in the sky and in the water stronger. Clouds could also be wonderfully highlighted with a polar filter if there are any.

F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

With a ND filter he took advantage of the opportunity longer exposure times and the depiction of a mirror-smooth Rhine. Due to the strong current in the Rhine, a... n F:X Pro ND64 rectangular filter sufficient to achieve the desired effect. You can see this particularly on the stones on the right edge of the picture achieved effect can be seen wonderfully as a result. It appears much quieter than with a fast shutter speed, as can be seen in the following image without the use of an ND filter.

F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

So that it is as beautiful as possible Sunstar can be captured in the pictures, the photographer recommends it cover close. In most cases it works with an aperture of 18.

"At an aperture of 22, for example, the image would no longer be 100% sharp. I calculated the shutter speed of 6 seconds in advance, knowing that I wanted to use an ND64 filter," explained Schmidt about his decision , mostly to work with the aperture mentioned above. He adds: “At Long exposures It is important to set the focus manually in advance; the autofocus no longer works when the filter is advanced. So it should all be there before inserting the filter Settings (except for the shutter speed), the composition should be right and then the filter can be inserted."

This is how he was able to do it optimally Image detail and then in the advanced ND filter desired effect test and get the result below.

F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

camera focal length ISO cover exposure ND filter
Sony a7III 20mm 100 F/18 6 sec. F:X Pro ND64 rectangular filter 

In the event that Schmidt had not found the effect with the ND64 filter at this point or if he had wanted a shutter speed of more than 30 seconds, he would also have had the option of inserting another ND filter into the filter holder . Here he notices, however, that most cameras do not have exposures longer than 30 seconds, so-called Bulb exposures, can enable. To get around this, you would have to click on one Cable remote release be resorted to.

A tip from the photographer: More motif options

As soon as the main subject has been successfully photographed and the perfect snapshot has been taken, the photographer recommends taking some time at the current location. Especially after that sunset can by inserting the blue hour interesting images for potential secondary motifs are created.

Marvin Schmidt was also able to switch to another lens after a short change F:X Pro ND1000 rectangular filter capture another motif. What may seem like a completely different location was actually just steps away from its main subject. The filter used created one small fog effect on the detail shot, in which the water, as in the previous shot, blurred became.

F:X Pro Filterhalter Mark III

camera focal length ISO cover exposure ND filter
Sony a7III 75mm 100 F/18 30 sec. F:X Pro ND1000 rectangular filter 

The conclusion to the shoot and the F:X Pro filter holder Mark III used

After the shoot, Marvin Schmidt was convinced. In addition to his preparation, he was able to F:X Pro filter holder Mark III Can be quickly attached to the camera lens for use. The magnetic polarizing filter could be attached directly to the device by simply “clipping” it in Base ring attached be and sat through the magnetic holder firmly, which prevented slipping in this case. The base was also about the new one Easy lock system attached extremely quickly to the base ring. About the two filter rails It would have been possible to combine different ND filters or even add gray gradient filters.

The whole precise processing made of milled aviation aluminum and the easy way to work with it F:X Pro filter holder Mark III impresses the landscape and nature photographer Price-performance ratio. Due to the simple construction and the flexible use Of different filter types, Marvin Schmidt can only recommend the F:X Pro F:X Pro Master Kit rectangular filter Mark III including the new third generation filter holder.


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